1 of 1 - GQ March 2022 - Salvador Martinha
1 of 1 - GQ March 2022 - Salvador Martinha
“Maquilhagem para fragilidades” seria um ótimo título para a entrevista com Salvador Martinha, o protagonista de uma das capas desta edição. A imagem é da autoria do próprio, numa conversa que inclui revelações como esta: “Eu não me divertia [em palco], antigamente. Hoje, consigo divertir-me, mas tenho mais dificuldade em divertir-me na rua, porque me poupo para os momentos em que preciso de fazer rir.”
“Make-up for weaknesses” would be a great title for the interview with Salvador Martinha, the protagonist of one of the covers of this issue. The image is his own, in a conversation that includes revelations like: “I didn't have fun [on stage] before. Today, I can have fun, but I find it harder to have fun on the street, because I save myself for the moments when I need to make people laugh.”
What's in the box:
- GQ Portugal March 2022 (Salvador Martinha);
- Four original offset metal printing plates from the four-colour reproduction process (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black) of the cover.
Additional information
- Original offset metal printing plates from the four-colour (CMYK*) reproduction process.
- Signed by editor in chief José Santana.
*Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black.
Metal cut plates may be dangerous. Please handle with care.
English version available on all articles through QR codes.