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GQ Portugal

1 of 1 - GQ December 2022 - Cole Sprouse Special Edition

1 of 1 - GQ December 2022 - Cole Sprouse Special Edition

Regular price €350,00 EUR
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Cole Sprouse para GQ Portugal: Edição Especial | Perception or Reflection? Esta capa colecionável nasce a partir de um conceito especial. Depois de uma entrevista exaustiva que em muito tocou na fama de Sprouse, surge esta ideia de Cole em conjunto com José Santana, diretor da GQ Portugal, para uma imagem que vale por mil palavras e milhões de pessoas: é que ver Cole Sprouse, segundo o próprio, nunca é vê-lo a ele, mas antes ver a percepção que cada um de nós tem dele, consoante as nossas condicionantes e conhecimentos sobre o ator e fotógrafo. Com um espelho impresso sobre o seu rosto, olhá-lo nos olhos é vermo-nos também a nós refletidos - é ver a nossa percepção. As nossas ideias pré-concebidas sobre a personalidade.  Olhar para esta capa é nunca ver Cole por inteiro. A não ser que se seja o próprio Cole Sprouse.

Cole Sprouse for GQ Portugal: Special Edition | Perception or Reflection? This collectible cover is born out of a special concept, thought of after a thorough interview that often brought up Sprouse’s life in the spotlight. That became the genesis of this idea concocted by Cole with José Santana, GQ Portugal’s editor in Chief, which resulted in an image worth a thousand words and million of faces. The thing is: to see Cole Sprouse, according to him, is to never really see him, but to see our own perception of him, depending on our background and knowledge about the actor. With a mirror printed over his face, to look him in the eyes is to also see our own reflection - is to also see our perception. Our own preconceived ideas about the star. To look at this cover is to never really see Cole in full. Unless if you’re Sprouse himself.


What's in the box:

- GQ Portugal December 2022 (Cole Sprouse Special Edition);
- Four original offset metal printing plates from the four-colour reproduction process (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black) of the cover.

Additional information

- Original offset metal printing plates from the four-colour (CMYK*) reproduction process;
- Signed by editor in chief José Santana.

*Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black.

Metal cut plates may be dangerous. Please handle with care.

English version available on all articles through QR codes.


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